High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky Movie Overview

image: High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky
High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky | Image source: www.themoviedb.org

High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky is released on August 19, 2017
This movie genres is.

High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky Overview

Members of SWORD win against Wangan Rengogun, which is led by Kohaku (Akira). The city becomes peaceful again. Nevertheless, the most brutal gangs, Doubt and Prison Gang, appear. They try to dominate the area controlled by SWORD.

The Movie Featured Crew:
  1. Tsuyoshi Nakakuki


  2. Shigeaki Kubo


The movie certificate: High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky

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