Te presento a Laura is released on October 29, 2010
This movie genres is Romance Comedy Drama
Te presento a Laura | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
The Movie Featured Crew:
Te presento a Laura Movie Overview | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
This movie genres is Romance Comedy Drama
![image: Te presento a Laura](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/vSOe9wdssBiNaUd8oIwyNC4fnFh.jpg)
Te presento a Laura | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
Te presento a Laura Overview
This is the story of 23-year-old Laura who lives in the largest city in the world and yet feels alone. She also knows the exact date in which she'll die: April 30. What Laura doesn't know is what she'll do from now till then, and thus she enrolls in a group of optimists, which she finds pathetic but fun. In that group she writes a list of 10 things she wants to do before she dies, some that mean a lot and some that are a lot of fun. The first thing on her list is to save a life.The Movie Featured Crew:
![image: Te presento a Laura](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/5spADABd1xdrIyywyhOoyrl7gM6.jpg)
Te presento a Laura Movie Overview | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
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