Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody Movie Overview

image: Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody
Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody | Image source:

Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody is released on July 13, 2017
This movie genres is Drama .

Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody Overview

Two baristas find the purpose of life through their love for coffee and try to give their customer with the best coffee they can grind, brew and serve.

The Movie Featured Crew:
  1. M. Irfan Ramli


  2. Jenny Jusuf


  3. Angga Dwimas Sasongko


image: Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody
Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody Movie Overview | Image source:

The movie certificate: Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben dan Jody

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