Hangman Movie Review

image: Hangman
Hangman | Image source: www.themoviedb.org

Hangman is released on March 14, 2015
This movie genres is Horror Thriller .

Hangman Overview

Returning from vacation, the Miller family find their home has been broken into. After cleaning up the mess they continue with their lives, shaking off the feeling of being violated. But little do they know the nightmare has just begun.

Hangman Movie Review

Written by Dan_Tebasco on January 10, 2018

Keeps you hanging...

Zero originality whatsoever is to be found here.

Follows the mold of every single found footage stalker movie made just a little more oversimplified is all.

With a 30 minute plot (40 at the most) stretched out to 81 minutes and most scenes mainly being day to day scenes of the family doing regular things at home this movie is far more boring than it is disturbing.

The acting is... okay I guess, the family does act kind of like a family does. The stalker we only see from time to time and he's weird I guess, which makes sense.

I just looked at the credits and saw that Amy Smart was in it which surprised me, she was in it in retrospect but you couldn't really see it was here because she was only in one scene sitting by a table with the "hidden camera" being very far away.

So yeah if she is what makes you want to watch this don't bother. But then there is no real reason to bother watching this period.

image: Hangman
Hangman Movie Review | Image source: www.themoviedb.org

The movie certificate: Hangman

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