![image: Kirikou and the Men and Women](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/n9BoizOVphE9zlT79ficEgG8iZR.jpg)
Kirikou and the Men and Women | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
Kirikou and the Men and Women is released on October 2, 2012
This movie genres is Fantasy Animation Family Adventure .
Kirikou and the Men and Women Overview
The grandfather welcomes us into his blue grotto, there was still beautiful memories of childhood to tell Kirikou: the times when he helped the men and women of his village and elsewhere ... He tells us how Kirikou, thanks to his bravery and intelligence, came to the aid of the strong woman. He tells us by what trick the little hero found the grumpy old man, who had been lost in the bush, and how a cherry threatened by the witch was finally able to pass on his knowledge to the villagers. We also discover the secret of a mysterious blue monster, and finally through a flute linked to the family of our small and valiant heroes, the magical power of music.The Movie Featured Crew:
![image: Kirikou and the Men and Women](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/uJW45DWwq5RdAZxOJSDzhcZcRbI.jpg)
Kirikou and the Men and Women Movie Overview | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
The movie certificate: Kirikou and the Men and Women
(Tous publics) valid for all audiences.
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