![image: Manglehorn](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/8ddkmEMUXnKqAtdfDnla4ClGC1L.jpg)
Manglehorn | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
Manglehorn is released on March 14, 2015
This movie genres is Drama .
Manglehorn Overview
AJ Manglehorn is an aging, ordinary guy in a small town. He nurses his sick cat, squeezes out a conversation with the local bank teller every Friday, and eats at the same place every day. But there is more to Manglehorn than meets the eye: he’s an ex-con who, 40 years ago, gave up the woman of his dreams for a big ‘job’. He now obsesses daily over the choices he made. After a dramatic effort to start over, Manglehorn faces a terrifying moment and is unmasked as a guy with a very, very dark past.The Movie Featured Crew:
![image: Manglehorn](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/f7ZiTgJDSvJkGnjBIkjSj3GqWWp.jpg)
Manglehorn Movie Overview | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
The movie certificate: Manglehorn
Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Films given this rating may contain sexual content, brief or partial nudity, some strong language and innuendo, humor, mature themes, political themes, terror and/or intense action violence. However, bloodshed is rarely present. This is the minimum rating at which drug content is present.
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