Spring Movie Review

image: Spring
Spring | Image source: www.themoviedb.org

Spring is released on March 20, 2014
This movie genres is Horror Romance Science Fiction .

Spring Overview

A young man in a personal tailspin flees the US to Italy, where he sparks up a romance with a woman harboring a dark, primordial secret.

Spring Movie Review

Written by Reno on August 18, 2016

Boy meets girl, girl reveals her true identity and what did the boy do!

This is a surprise film. A romance-drama with the backdrop of the smart mix of sci-fi and fantasy. You won't always get a B movie as good as this one. So when you find one, you should appreciate them. It never needed the higher-end graphics, because everything it required of those were in small quantity. Even though they did not compromise and gave best visuals that greatly impacted to the narration.

The leading two were very impressive. The Italian locations as well equally beautiful, overall the screenplay was the real winner. The story of an American man who flees to Italy after his mother's death and followed by a small incident. There he meets an unusual young research student and convinces her to date him. While they both getting closer, a series of weird stuffs begins to threaten their relationship. Explaining those to one another and for us the what the remaining film focused.

This is like 'Before Sunrise' meets some monster film. I don't think it is very original, but kind of refreshing that carefully carved film. If you see the film poster, you won't get the impression that you want to watch it immediately, but if you give it a try, surely you would be, I mean majority of you won't end in a disappointment. There's no way it should have been better, because it is already at its best in a simple way. Not a must see, but I hope you won't miss this little gem if you're reading this.


image: Spring
Spring Movie Review | Image source: www.themoviedb.org

The movie certificate: Spring

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