![image: The Angels' Share](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/mPgfSMGHhm99D7SVNHEB9dDnnC0.jpg)
The Angels' Share | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
The Angels' Share is released on June 27, 2012
This movie genres is Drama Comedy .
The Angels' Share Overview
Narrowly avoiding jail, new dad Robbie vows to turn over a new leaf. A visit to a whisky distillery inspires him and his mates to seek a way out of their hopeless lives.The Movie Featured Crew:
![image: The Angels' Share](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w533_and_h300_bestv2/kT2woIOkOYcHPTKMPjCxk46TW0Z.jpg)
The Angels' Share Movie Overview | Image source: www.themoviedb.org
The movie certificate: The Angels' Share
Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian 21 or older. The parent/guardian is required to stay with the child under 17 through the entire movie, even if the parent gives the child/teenager permission to see the film alone. These films may contain strong profanity, graphic sexuality, nudity, strong violence, horror, gore, and strong drug use. A movie rated R for profanity often has more severe or frequent language than the PG-13 rating would permit. An R-rated movie may have more blood, gore, drug use, nudity, or graphic sexuality than a PG-13 movie would admit.
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