The Identical Movie Overview

image: The Identical
The Identical | Image source:

The Identical is released on September 5, 2014
This movie genres is Music Drama .

The Identical Overview

During the Great Depression, identical twins are separated at birth. One, Drexel Hemsley becomes a wildly successful '50s rock star, while the other, Ryan Wade, struggles to balance his passion for music and pleasing his parents, who want him to become a preacher. Finally, Ryan rebels against his parents' wishes and launches his own music career -- performing the hits of Drexel Hemsley. Ryan later learns the truth about Drexel when their fates tragically collide.

The Movie Featured Crew:
  1. Dustin Marcellino


  2. Howard Klausner


image: The Identical
The Identical Movie Overview | Image source:

The movie certificate: The Identical

Some material may not be suitable for children under 10. These films may contain some mild language, crude/suggestive humor, scary moments and/or violence. No drug content is present. There are a few exceptions to this rule. A few racial insults may also be heard.

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