The Normal Heart Movie Overview

image: The Normal Heart
The Normal Heart | Image source:

The Normal Heart is released on May 25, 2014
This movie genres is Drama .

The Normal Heart Overview

The story of the onset of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City in the early 1980s, taking an unflinching look at the nation's sexual politics as gay activists and their allies in the medical community fight to expose the truth about the burgeoning epidemic to a city and nation in denial.

The Movie Featured Crew:
  1. Larry Kramer


  2. Ryan Murphy


image: The Normal Heart
The Normal Heart Movie Overview | Image source:

The movie certificate: The Normal Heart

These films contain excessive graphic violence, intense or explicit sex, depraved, abhorrent behavior, explicit drug abuse, strong language, explicit nudity, or any other elements which, at present, most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children and teens. NC-17 does not necessarily mean obscene or pornographic in the oft-accepted or legal meaning of those words.

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