The Seven Year Hitch Movie Overview

image: The Seven Year Hitch
The Seven Year Hitch | Image source:

The Seven Year Hitch is released on October 13, 2012
This movie genres is Comedy Romance .

The Seven Year Hitch Overview

Jennifer and Kevin are childhood best friends who have lived together, platonically, as adults for many years. When Jennifer decides to marry her cheating, manipulative boyfriend, Bryce Kevin has to stop the wedding to protect her from making, what he believes is, a terrible mistake. With a little help from his brother and neighbor Kevin discovers that he and Jennifer are already legally married due to common law, having lived together for seven years and, as such, Jennifer can not marry Bryce.

The Movie Featured Crew:
  1. Brian Sawyer


  2. Gregg Rossen


  3. Bradford May


image: The Seven Year Hitch
The Seven Year Hitch Movie Overview | Image source:

The movie certificate: The Seven Year Hitch

Some material may not be suitable for children under 10. These films may contain some mild language, crude/suggestive humor, scary moments and/or violence. No drug content is present. There are a few exceptions to this rule. A few racial insults may also be heard.

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